Either run the day or the day runs you. — Jim Rohn

Ah, The Tote Bags

I know a number of writers who own a tote bag and/or coffee mug that says “Trust the Process” on it. I’ve always taken this to mean that the artistic process can be circuitous and messy, but if you trust and believe in it, you will ultimately find your way through your project. This makes a certain level of sense. The creative journey is never a direct path. (The reason Bookflow’s main image is of a labyrinth.) However, you can’t simply trust it, either.

Trust, But Verify

If simply left to lead, the creative process will carry you along on its own current, directing you to islands of its own intention.

Like the old Russian proverb says, trust, but verify. Every ship needs a captain. If simply left to lead, the creative process will carry you along on its own current, directing you to islands of its own intention. A good captain has a map and checks the winds and the charts every day. He knows how to read the stars and capture the wind to keep the ship on course.

How To Check Your Sails

The process is everything, but you must guide it. If you are looking for answers, it’s vital that you know what you are looking for. That’s why Bookflow offers checklists and guides to make sure that your characters, scenes, and themes are fully fleshed out and consistent. It’s also important to stay on schedule, so Bookflow offers goal setting and daily tracking. To truly commit to a project or a creative lifestyle, it’s vital to build the mastery and habits that will keep you productive.