The book writing tool you’ve been waiting for

Writers don’t need better index cards, or overly complex tools, like Scrivener. We need a writing platform that not only nurtures our writing spirit, but strengthens our craft and guides us through all stages of the writing process. From idea conception, outlining, revision and more, Bookflow’s cloud-based app will help you write the best novel you’ve ever written.

Writing better, faster, and more consistently = Writer Joy

Write better plots

Our framework and guides help you capture the essential elements of your story: characters, scenes, themes, and outline.

Stay motivated

Goal-setting, tracking, and rewards use psychology to help you make writing a regular habit.

Spark new ideas

Writing exercises and fresh writing prompts daily warm up your creativity and inspire new projects. 


Capture ideas whenever and wherever they show up

Writers never know when inspiration will strike. Now you can capture ideas, experiment with a writing exercise, or work on your draft no matter where you are. Our secure, cloud-based writing tool makes it possible to work while you wait in line or are out and about.

1 / 3 — We create amazing Webflow templates for creative people all around the world
2 / 3 — We create amazing Webflow templates for creative people all around the world
3 / 3 — We are Splash. We create amazing websites and apps and help businesses grow

Capture ideas whenever and wherever they show up

Writers never know when inspiration will strike. Now you can capture ideas, experiment with a writing exercise, or work on your draft no matter where you are. Our secure, cloud-based writing tool makes it possible to work while you wait in line or are out and about.

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Bookflow’s software supports all aspects of a writer’s life

Writers don't get all of their ideas in order, starting from page one. With Bookflow you can outline, draft character development and scene cards, as well as capture, retrieve, and rearrange all the pieces of your story.

quotation mark
Writers don’t need better index cards. They need encouragement, support, and help seeing into the heart of their stories.

Lisa Papademetriou

Bookflow Founder
The founder of Bookflow, Lisa Papademetriou, is wearing a red sweater and standing against a gray stone wall.

We know what it takes to finish and revise your novel

Bookflow's founder spent years as a professional editor, bestselling author, and master’s-level writing instructor. A career dedicated to working with writers revealed their greatest challenges: understanding the big picture in their work, editing their story to its essentials, and, of course, Writers’ Block. Lisa created Bookflow to help writers get organized, stay motivated, feel inspired, and enjoy a sense of constant challenge and mastery.

More About Us


Founded by editor, writing instructor, and bestselling author Lisa Papademetriou, Bookflow is the distillation of practices that have helped her write and publish over 70 books. But don't just take her word for it. Here's what Bookflow users have to say:

And that’s a wrap!

I just completed an entire rewrite and first edit of a new book using Bookflow.


Bookflow writing prompts are so varied! 

They push me to test out different writing styles, which, like a good core workout, strengthens everything!


I love the articles for motivation,

and particularly the articles for writing craft. I am already 200% more motivated than I was yesterday, and equally more organized.


Bookflow was exactly
what I needed:

not as complicated as Scrivener, but with more organizational tools than just writing it in Word.


Get started with Bookflow

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Bookflow is FREE during our trial period! Simply enter your Email and create a password to explore the tool.

Set your goals

How many words do you want to write and when do you want to finish? Input your goals to track your progress and productivity.

Start writing

Begin with a scene, theme, character, or just start writing. Export your work to Word at any time.

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